Lamanya KAK SENAH (sejak bila ko tukar nama jadik KAK SENAH?bukan KAK LIMAH ker?)tak update korang pasal pemakanan@diet sihat kan
hazab sgt tau korang...sibuk kenduri senun, kenduri sini
jalan2 senun sini..macam2 masuk dalam tembolok nie okay!!!
So bila dah start talking about HEALTHY FOOD....saya kembali mencari makanan sihat yang dapat memenuhi tekak saya dalam masa yg sama menjaga kesihatan badan saya
Selama ni saya selalu gantikan my breakfast with wholemeal bread@ breakthu gardenia(wholegrain bread)
uols pasti dah tau kan yang roti berserat a.k.a. roti warna cokelat yang tak sedap tuh lebih jauh banyak khasiatnyer dan rendah kalorinya daripada roti putih
so sesiapa yang pelik tak makan nasi tapi duk melantak roti putih sampai habis sebuku...pastu tanya kenapa tak kurus2....the answer is LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI!!!
lain kali cuba cek sekeping roti putih tue bape kalori dia...then comparekan dengan wholemeal @wholegrain bread....luckily akhirnya saya jumpa jugak roti SIHAT yang SEDAP
the brand is from ANZEN...jalan2 kat COLD STORAGE hritue jumpa....
contains 18 grains....antaranya...flaxseed, rolled oats, barli, sesame..bla..bla..bla and as far as i'm concern..memang all the grains bring lots of benefit to us....and of course guys the MOST IMPORTANT THING is the TASTE...hua...sedap uols...dahlah roti lembut..combination of the grains sangat enak to my saper kata MAKANAN SIHAT tak SEDAP???SEDAP from now on nampaknya i akan indulge this bread sampai bosanlah...haha.BTW the calorie is only 208 for 2 slices okeh.
Dah sebut pasla FLAX SEED nie..kat oversea mmg dha kecok yang FLAX SEED nie sgt elok utk kesihatan dan awet dah alang2 aku tersebut..korang leh baca info dan benefits of it kat cnie
The flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. And while it’s not technically a grain, it has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains, while the amount of fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids in flax leaves grains in the dust.
Additionally, flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. And its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it a great food for weight loss and maintenance -- many dieters have found that flax seed has been a key to keeping them feeling satisfied.
so kalau selama nie korang suka sgt bfast dengan nasi lemak ayam ker..nasi lemak telur mata ker....megi goreng ker , kueh teow ker..karipap panas ker...takder masalah...seminggu sekali ok aper..cuma di waktu2 lain tue cubalah bfast yang healthy ckit...boleh carik roti kat atas nie atau roti wholemeal@ roti breakthru
then makan dengan:
scarmbled egg or tuna then jangan lupa potongkan salad untuk tambah vitamin dan nutrien kepada CARB korang tuh....kadang2 dinner pun kalau tak amik nasi...wa makan roti2 di atas dengan scrambled egg and salad
macam nie
tapi korang perasan tak scramble egg tue warna dia tak kuning???hehe aku pun ala2 terkujat tgk naper scrambled egg aku warna pudar2 coklat gituh...nangeh okeh...rupanya sebab aku guna 2 biji telur tapi guna 1 yolk jerk..haruslah tak kuning macam kulit tart yang disapu kuning telur kan....hahahahhahaaa.....janji nutrien tetap ader okeh wlpun 1 yolk.....
despite aku makan macam2 last week..luckliy managed to do my workout consistently except FRIDAY and SATURDAY(my ROYANS day)
this is the summary

WEDNESDAY= Zuzana Hot Blooded Warm up, Zuzana Hot ABS (2 circuits and completed by 1 set of ZUMBA
THURSDAY= my first day of cik P but managed to do 20 minutes Banish FAt Boost Metabolisme by Jillian Michaels

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