asyik tak sihat= malas workout
so 2-3 hari nie aku dh kembali ke pangkal jalan
just grab new dvd workout
i plan to have kathy smith build muscle shrink fat
hrtue ader kat midvalley tapi tak grab
semalam pergi bangsar village jerk
so just dapat super slimdown by kathy smith
quite impressive gak the workout by i love JILLIAN MICHAELS workout more..hehe

so update ckit my workout and diet routine
bfast= tuna sandwich and half gelas teh tarik
lunch= nasi ayam hainan pantai dalam
snack= 2 pieces bread cicah kari ikan
diet agak tak clean because of period
cadburry bournville (3/4..wah banyaknyer)
workout petang= 40 minutes fat burning kathy smith
dinner lewat= nasi+ asam pedas+ cendawan
for today= baru w/o pagi not breakfast yet= lower body workout by kathy smith
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