mak masak aym kg msk lemak cili padi
sedap bangat.. thanks my mum
then teringin nak makan kopok lekor
takder..last2 makan kopok ikan keping yang nipis2 tue + pisang goreng
walaweh sgt heaven hokkey
nasib sempat berBFBM JM 1 setengah circuit + NMTZ 2 circuit
about 45 minutes
malam tue konon taknak makan'tapi kantoi gak nasi+ sambal tumis+ aym kg lagiks
kuang kuang kuang
hrnie plak pergi umah makcik
nasib ptg tadik pulun JM CARDIOKICKBOXING
finished strong tanpa lelah
so proceed dengan bicycle crunches 40x + swan dr NMTZ 15x
pehtu makcik belikan nasi minyak
makan ngn lauk ckit2..nasi tue half jerk mik
half lagik suh pkcik habiskan...hehe
malamnyer tgk AVATAR lagik sekalih
haduh meroyan sungguh
kalau wa tengok gik pasni..harus wa lak jadi avatar neyteri tuh..ahaks
some of the best memorable quote from avatar
Memorable Quotes
"You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid, ignorant like a child!"
- To Jake upon their first meeting.
"Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake. She protects only the balance of life."
- To Jake as he prays at the Tree of Souls.

"You will never be one of The People!"
- Neytiri to Jake after discovering his mission.
"He will try to kill you."
- Neytiri explaining to Jake how to know a Banshee has chosen you.
"I am with you now Jake. We are mated for life."
- Neytiri after she and Jake mate
"I See you."(THIS IS I LIKE MOST!!!)
- Neytiri to Jake.
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