pehtue if tak pergi memang pulun gak workout kat umah
selasa= w/o pagi, skipping n stregth training rabu= RPM class 50 minutes (really intensive..sweat..sweat..sweat) khamis merangkap today= 1 hour mix dance, cross ramp machine n eliptical
skang kan musim hujan, ckit2 rasa lapor..makan tetap makan but ctrol portion
tapi i 'm not worry to much sebab rasa dah buat sebaik mungkin for my w/o routine
and i have to climb at to 6 floor by stairs sebab lif rosak...sambil bwk laptop 3 kg nie...huhuhuhu
kalau dulu mau menyumpah seranah sambil nangis pas sampai umah
skang relax jerk sebab anggap semua tue senaman..hehe
this is my bfast for today..really oily(dalam gambor pun anmpak keoilyannya) choice arr sebab dah termauk dlm cafe tuh

so amik ckit jerk
kueh teow about satu senduk
sambal telur rebus buang yolk
terung+ kcg berlada (sedap)
rm 2.90 + nescafe tarik(what an cheap price..hehe)
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